366 Days is a week old

So I'm doing a daily fiction experiment at www.pcitylive.com, a local social network, in which I'm writing new short fiction of some kind every day. A story, a couple of paragraphs, a poem, an a-b-c piece, something. The project started on my birthday and will end on my birthday next year, so altogether, "366 Days."
You're invited to play along - post comments, critiques, or your own stories in the comments section. Write an alternate ending. Just say Hi. Something to let me know there's somebody out there.
You can find the blogs at my profile, or you can go to the site and click on slide of me and go to a rough feed of the stories. (I prefer the formating at the profile and individual blog pages.)
The site is so happy that I'm "fiction blogging" that they've put me on the front page today, as one of their rotating features. I got to go to their loft office downtown Tuesday after work, where Dustin Bryson took several pictures of me trying to look like a literary rockstar. He has ideas for more pics that we may do later in the year.
So far, the project has been pretty much effortless, as I've drawn upon ideas that have percolated in my head for a long time. Those will begin running short any day now, and we'll see how this evolves. Maybe I'll begin writing a novel a page at a time. Who knows? Let's find out together.