Amazing story? Maybe not. But the weird truth about Books Alive 2008 is that the only books I sold were copies of "Welcome to the Dawning of a New Century" and "Dazed and Raving in the Undercurrents." The former was purchased by Janis Owens, and the latter by a lady on a cell phone whose connection wanted the column collection.

Here's what Janis said in a recent email: "... When we got home and I was unpacking my books, I told Wendel (her husband) that I had a picture that pretty much encapsulated my writing sensibility and my myth in one photo. He stopped unpacking long enough to put on his reading glasses and I handed him the Piggy Wiggly picture on the back of your book. He agreed: there it was, my vision and my past, in one historic pose."
Glad to be of service to the myth. She added: "... I'm loving (the) book and will send whatever criticisms come to mind. None so far, but I'm just started. Xxjanis"
xx to you too.
Photo above: Janis Owens and Michael Morris before their morning Books Alive session, which I moderated. Below: My lovely daughter staffing the booth for Dad.
It's Marty from Century. True to form, I've not ventured to read your books yet. I've only read one or two books in my life that weren't tech books. Anyway, glad to see your still crazy after all these years. I'm not much different - just tempered by responsibility and rattled by insanity. I'm not sure what that means but you're the master of words so you can turn it to fit the image you'd like. Hope all continues to go your way. Dude, what's with the hat? Well, it fits you... This comment, however, doesn't fit your blog so feel free to kill it.
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