Amazing story? Maybe not. But the weird truth about Books Alive 2008 is that the only books I sold were copies of "Welcome to the Dawning of a New Century" and "Dazed and Raving in the Undercurrents." The former was purchased by Janis Owens, and the latter by a lady on a cell phone whose connection wanted the column collection.

Here's what Janis said in a recent email: "... When we got home and I was unpacking my books, I told Wendel (her husband) that I had a picture that pretty much encapsulated my writing sensibility and my myth in one photo. He stopped unpacking long enough to put on his reading glasses and I handed him the Piggy Wiggly picture on the back of your book. He agreed: there it was, my vision and my past, in one historic pose."
Glad to be of service to the myth. She added: "... I'm loving (the) book and will send whatever criticisms come to mind. None so far, but I'm just started. Xxjanis"
xx to you too.
Photo above: Janis Owens and Michael Morris before their morning Books Alive session, which I moderated. Below: My lovely daughter staffing the booth for Dad.