Perched on the Post Office Porch

... The ongoing story of an experimental novel based on a real place and time, the steps from finished work to published book, and what came after ...
Nathan and I drove to Seaside this evening to hear Terry Jones (of Monty Python) discuss -- of all things -- Chaucer. He has a new book out, co-written with a UWF professor, called Who Murdered Chaucer? Now, you'd expect this to be a pythonesque take on the Canterbury Tales, maybe, but no. It was most scholarly, in fact, punctuated by his particular brand of humor and the occasional funny old woman's voice. (Help! Help! I'm being opressed!) ANyway, we were right up front, could've kicked him in the shins if we'd wanted, but we didn't want to, and got to do silly stuff like shake his hand and hold the door for him and say hullo and talk about the why the ground had puddles on it and so forth as we walked with him, his escort and a UWF professor after the talk to the rear entrance of SunDog books where he was signing. I took several pictures, bought Nate a copy of Terry Jones' War on the War on Terror for his Easter present (we buy easter presents in our house -- it's something his mother started), which Jones happily signed "For Nathan, Hi! Terry Jones," and then I got him to sign my autograph book. We had pictures made with him, too. (Nate's will follow.) All in all, a way cool way to start Spring Break. Tomorrow, we're off to Century for the Easter weekend. There will be pictures from there as well. Heads up. And Happy Easter.
Not really. Just a note to say hello to those who remember that this blog is still out here. Seems like I forgot it too. (Ha! You should be so lucky.)