A Proposed Cover for "Century" novel...

... The ongoing story of an experimental novel based on a real place and time, the steps from finished work to published book, and what came after ...
Thursday, Jan. 20, 4 to 6 p.m., at the Bay County Public Library in the Community Room, 25 W. Government St., downtown Panama City. (Note: Library doors close at 5 p.m.) Refreshments will be served. I'll be a guest of The Friends of the Library. We'll mingle, I'll read, we'll tell stories, I'll talk about newspaper work, I'll sell books and sign. The book is Dazed and Raving in the Undercurrents.
...from River Jordan, Panama City native, now Tennessean, author of The Gin Girl (buy it, you'll like it), who had nice things to say about Welcome to the Dawning of a New Century, which she has finally been able to read. Thank you, River.