Signing Tuesday at Java Cafe
What: Pottersville Press book signing event
When: Tuesday, Oct. 4, 6 to 8 p.m.
Where: Java Cafe on Harrison Ave., downtown Panama City
Who: Me, signing copies of Welcome to the Dawning of a New Century
Who else: Lynn Wallace, signing copies of his novel Los Caminantes
I'll also have copies of Dazed and Raving in the Undercurrents on hand for those who just must have the complete works (ha!) -- you know you have to.
Meanwhile, I've been informed that a couple of you who ordered copies through Pottersville experienced delays, but the books are on their way.
Earlier this week, Tuesday to be precise, I had the opportunity to listen to members of the Philharmonic of Northwest Florida play at the Kingfish Restaurant at the Baypoint Marriott under the direction of David Ott. They were promoting their upcoming season, and before the reception was over I ended up in a conversation with Mr. Ott concerning the paths down which creativity can take you. We talked about improvisation; it was refreshing to have that talk, to know that here was an artist from a completely different discipline who could put my experiences with words into a new perspective -- I talked about how getting into a character's point of view often placed me in positions story-wise that I would not expect, and then I just followed them; he talked of how a sudden notion to slow or speed a movement, to alter a note could change the meaning or feeling of a musical number.
Debra and I were also pleasantly surprised by the organizers of the event. Tuesday was the night prior to our 20th anniversary; I had mentioned this in an email to Crystal Carpenter, the FSU-Panama City public information specialist who was involved in organizing the event. Just as the performance was ending (this is prior to the mixer when we met and talked about creativity) David asked if "Tony and Debra Simmons are here?" and asked the master violinist to play a few bars of the Anniversary Waltz in our honor.
Crystal's photo follows.
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