Tuesday, June 07, 2005

A dream within a dream...

I awoke Monday morning from a dream in which I was sitting down to write at the piano. (I know. Odd.) When I was in elementary school, I took piano lessons from Mrs. Turner, the old woman who played piano for our church, Century First Baptist. We had just gotten to the point of using the sustain pedal when I stopped taking lessons for whatever reason. (Probably because I didn't want to any more.)

Anyway, this little dream I was having when I awoke Monday morning: I sat down at the piano to write. The piano had old-fashioned typewriter keys, round and brown and old, with raised edges like the manual typewriter my grandfather used when he worked for the Alger-Sullivan Lumber Co. in Century, the typewriter my father gave me many years ago and that now sits on top of the old cabinet in my living room.

I began to write and reached for the sustain pedal with my foot. I pressed the pedal as my fingers reached for keys and started to press, and I awoke from the dream.

What do you think that means?


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