Books Alive coming up
Just a reminder to those who can make it that Books Alive is Saturday, Feb. 12. Everything you need to know about it is at the link, and most of the author listings have neato-keen links to their own sites or books. I'll be a moderator for Jeff Klinkenberg, a writer for the St. Pete Times, whose "Real Florida" columns and features have been collected as a book. You can see his work here. Other than that, I'm not directly involved. (If you saw Friday's "Entertainer" cover, then you know that I'm the correct answer to the question "Which of these does not belong?" as all the other photos are featured authors who will be making presentations. Yes, I alone among the local hacks got special treatment.) I'll be in the main room hoping to sell some books and see some friends, and probably spending money. Come see me. As an added incentive, my family will be there too. Come see them.
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