Wednesday, July 21, 2004

A reader reacts to the book:

(The following came via e-mail on Wednesday, July 21, from Carole Lapensohn, who I met while covering the education beat for The News Herald. She has read one other of my books, an occult thriller that is now being rewritten. She introduced me to Bette, whom is now one of the ghostly trio that might get Century into print...)

Well, friend Tony, I finished it--your wonderful book.  Loved, absolutely loved the Centennial Man, loved the way you tied things up further in the postscripts.  Sylistically it's very innovative and the writing is superb (not that I expected anything else).  Lots of memorable lines--the one about plot being where characters are buried comes to mind. 

How about you, Bette, and I get together to talk about it over a cup of coffee maybe next week.  I have a few questions.
Thank you, thank you for asking me to read it. 
Carole Lapensohn
Director of Institutional Advancement
Gulf Coast Community College


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