Sunday, July 25, 2004

It's still difficult to get folks together...

As seen by the following excerpts from e-mails as we tried to negotiate a get-together to discuss the future of "Century" this week:

7/16: Michael: Shall we try again? Is next week a possibility? What we're thinking (and by 'we' and I mean the queen) is a quiet coffee type place. Thoughts? Do we have a motion on the floor?

7/18: Bette: Hey, fellas. I've checked with my social secretary and he said any evening other than Monday and Wedneday would be splendid. I'm looking forward to it. Best to all -

7/19: Tony: Hi. I can work it out Tuesday or Thursday evening.Just tell me when and where to be. Panama Java?

7/19: Bette: Either is fine with me - and Java Cafe sounds just right. I can be there 5:30ish.

7/19: Michael: Tuesday or Thursday 5:30 works for me.

7/19: Lynn: Thursday is much preferred. I'll try my best to get all the sherpas together, all those oxygen tanks, packs of freeze-dried food, boots and felt liners dried out. I'll try my best.

7/22: (Met at 5:30 p.m. with Michael and his wife at Panama Java coffee shop. No others arrived. Joined at 6 p.m. by my wife and son. Talked about many things, but made no decisions regarding my book, as the choice is shared among Michael, Lynn and Bette.)

7/22: Bette: I was abruptly and unceremoniously hustled off to the Gulf Coast Medical Prison Camp earlier in the week - but have just now (and finally!) escaped through the razor wire and snarling pit bulls to make it healthily home - and joyously reunited with Sofia Maria Alverez. She purrs - and I purr - a touching scene. P also stands for pneumonia - MP stands for mending pneumonia - but I'm  sorry to have missed yet another confab - and hope it was entertaining and productive. Will be back at the mines on Monday. Love to you mess a fellas -

7/23: Lynn: I had suddenly (although I could tell it was coming) a dead battery, so I was installing a car pacemaker about the time you guys were at Panama Java. Sorry I missed the conversation.



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