It ain't easy to get folks together
...As can be seen by the following series of e-mails in which we tried (finally with only limited success) to find a time and place where I might sit with the three people who must determine the next step toward publication of the novel. Here they are in reverse order:
Michael and Bette,
We have an office get-together in the a.m. Saturday, but all afternoon and evening are clear. We can sit down at Panama Java for coffee/colas, or we can go to Coram's for greasy hashbrowns and country jukebox, or TGI Fridays for appetizers. It's kind of in your hands, as you are the Powers That Have The Say. I'm
just the work-for-hire guy. I would think Java would offer a quiet place (inside, where there's some AC). Do you want to keep it to just the three of us wheeler-dealers or do you mind if the wife tags along? I'm at your disposal. If you'd like, we could even sit here at my house and talk, but then we risk The Children. Call me at home tonight. (NUMBER CENSORED)
Looking forward to it.
Michael Lister
Lynn is unavailable this weekend, but Bette and I are game. Would you still like to? Just gives us a when and a where.
Subject: Re: Getting together (sent from Bette to Michael)
So what's the drill, honey bunches? Will we be meeting over the weekend for fellowship - and if so, what, when, where and how?? That would be a nice thing to do.
Love you -
Subj:Re: Getting together
to:bette and lynn
Sent from the Internet
From: Bette
To: lynn CC: michael
Subject: Re: Getting together
"Taking action," how so? We aren't for a moment forgetting that you also have a novel on the front burner. I'm all for getting together and talking about Tony's fine novel and books and writers and publishing - but as I understood this gig, the 3 of us are in it together. Is it not so? I vote that that ever herafter we all have an equal voice in any decision-making. That's the only way I can be comfortable. As I see it, we can't make any decision until you've had a chance to read Tony's novel, Lynn - and make a decision about where your going with Alec, Alma & Company. Maybe you already know - but I don't - and it and you should be given first opportunity for publication. First come,
first serve. That's my take on the situation, fellas. You're a good daddy, ol' bean - and I'm glad you're having so much quality family time - but don't you be forgetting your responsibility to your characters. I don't intend to leave you alone about
this - and you're a good daddy, too, Michael. I love you both - and am eager to see some action with fine novels. So saith the Queen of Everything and Everybody.
Subj:RE: Getting together
To:Bette, michael
Sent from the Internet
You may have to get together without me. The forces of vbs (vacation bible school) are amassing for the huge kickoff on Sunday (180 kids, 90 adults and teen helpers). Saturday is probably out--for reasons of sanity in the household alone. Next week, except perhaps some morning, is out. I have not been able to get near Tony's book--that's how busy I am at the moment. Just know that I support your taking action on it since both of you sound keen about the writing.
Somewhat guiltily I'm eager to get back to work in August so I can get some rest--and you know how busy the school-year can be.
From: Bette
To: michael Cc: Lynn
Subject: Re: Getting together
Sundays aren't really good for me - but I can be anywhere anytime on Saturday. I hope you're intending to also toss your novel into the fray, Lynn. Y'all please let me know if this weekend works out - and I'll be there.
Subj:Getting together
To:Bette CC:lynn
Hi Guys,
Tony Simmons has asked that we get together soon. Just hang, talk about books and writing, and maybe his hilarious book, as well. Any time available this weekend? If not, when?
So Michael calls and he and I talk and we decide to meet for dinner at Olive Garden at 5 p.m.; Bette calls Michael and says she can't make it, as unexpected company had shown up. My wife and I sit down to a meal with Michael and his wife; we talk about everything under the sun, and the book too. Shortest possible route to publication as a hardback puts it in stores in December; most likely route, however, now has the publication date in the Spring. He again encourages me to see what other publishers would offer.
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