Notes found in my journal
So I sent Michael the manuscript last night (Saturday), as well as a "dummy" book cover depicting the roadside sign on the L&N overpass between Century, Florida and Flomaton, Ala. I'm axiously awaiting response.
Meanwhile, I look back through one of my journals and find the following entry from 8-8-03, written at Mom's house in Pace at 11:30 p.m.: (Reproduced here as accurately as possible):
Quite an update to follow...
(1) Michael Lister offered to print a collection of my columns -- Dazed and Raving in the Undercurrents -- but my boss said no, we could do it better and give more profit directly to me.
(2) So Michael says, "What else ya got? Seems I have a book from you on my schedule for 2004." So I tell him about Century ...
(3) It's a novel but it's also a collection of short stories, interspersed with "columns" by one of the characters and ending with an extensive author's note identifying the truths behind the lies. (I've been reading John DuFresne's The Lie that Tells a Truth book on writing fiction -- Think I'm getting somewhere again, tho' I've been wrong before.
(4) So I print 2 of the stories for my mom to read tonight ... and she likes them, as I would expect her to say, being my mom and all, but more than that, she laughs out loud at all the right places. We talk about books and writing processes. I get so much positive energy from her!
(5) I'm listening to Tori Amos on the ride here today, thinking about Neil Gaiman's new book and the connection between these two artists I so admire -- wondering how they met, came to be friends, etc., thinking how cool it would be to move in such circles. Then I recall Tiger Edmonds, whom I consider a friend; John DuFresne, whom I consider at least an acquaintance; and Tim Dorsey, River Jordan, Silas House and so on. (So On.) So forth, whatever.
My circle's not so bad. Some nice and talented folks, and I hope some day they will say the same of me.
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